Thursday, January 28, 2010

Been Awhile

Ok so its been a very long time since my last post. My blog has been neglected for awhile.  I am going to make it my goal to have one new posting per week. I found this article recently while researching for projects for a couple of classes.  I really liked what this article had to say. Just because "ethics" is now an it word, doesn't mean that we are all living our lives ethically.  Instead of talking about how "ethical" we all are, we need to start living it and making it a priority in our day-to-day lives.  Check out what the author has to say. You might actually like it.  

The Word Ethics Seems to be Everywhere-So Have Ethics Problems Been Solved With Our New-Found Awareness?
By Frank C. Bucaro
A reasonable person might conclude, after years of media coverage of allegations of ethical misconduct, investigations, charges, plea-bargains, and a number of high profile jail sentences, that ethics violations in the workplace have been nearly totally eradicated or at least greatly diminished. Continuing media reports, and surveys like the one mentioned above, however, indicate otherwise.
One explanation that is often cited for this seeming failure in some organizations to get onboard with ethics is that when something unethical occurs in the workplace, nothing seems to happen. Employees may fear reporting unethical behavior due to possible retaliation; they may not trust their leaders to do anything about the situation. The threat of this scenario in the workplace is that when leadership does "nothing" unethical behavior appears to have free reign, will likely continue, and may spread.
Using the analogy of cancer, or a serious infection, would it be best to ignore the situation and hope it goes away on its own? Would it be wise to peacefully coexist in this situation? Or would the best chance for success be to root out the problem and deal with it early on? Just as a serious illness can threaten the health, safety and financial security of the individual, ethics problems, even those that initially appear small, localized, or insignificant, can spread and threaten the organization's health, stability and financial security.
A brief outline of five things organizations can do to offset the threat posed by ethics problems?
A. Develop a code of ethics if you don't have one already. Involve everyone, to some degree, in the process of development and get agreement from everyone when you have the code in its final form.
B. Set the consequences for possible violations BEFORE something happens. If everyone has a clear understanding of what is acceptable and not acceptable, what is negotiable and not negotiable before an incident occurs, they will not be able to say "I didn't know" after the fact. Ignorance is not bliss.
C. State and communicate consistently a no retaliation policy for those who report unethical behavior.
D. Establish a variety of options for reporting violations, i.e. anonymous hotline or an ethics box (like a suggestion box). Some organizations have ethics officers as well as compliance officers; some have ethics committees made up of executives, managers and employees at different levels.
E. A No Tolerance Policy is a must. Human nature being what it is someone will test the rules. Set the standards, investigate alleged violations, and if they are found, act. An environment where ethics is valued benefits the organization and its individual employees as well.
Nothing chips away at morale in the workplace worse than consistently seeing questionable ethics by one or a few co-workers, when nothing seems to stand in their way. Maintaining an ethical workplace is everyone's job; it is vital to communicate this to employees. Everyone in the organization benefits from consistent and sustained growth that is enhanced by a productive environment free of costly and disruptive ethics and compliance problems and public relations nightmares.

Monday, December 28, 2009

And so another work week begins!

Hello everyone! 

And so another work week begins! Before I begin, though, I hope everyone had  a fun xmas with the fam and friends!

I am still trying to figure out this whole blogging thing.  So if this is boring you to tears, I am sorry. Not too much excitement in Upstate NY. Pretty uneventful to say the least. 

With that said, there was quite a bit of excitement in Michigan. I am sure you all are tired of hearing about the Nigerian terrorist who tried to blow up a plane. Yea, me too.  So, thats why I'm not going to put my two sense in because most of you (all) won't care.  I am sure it was scary for the passengers to say the least.  And I'm sure his groin region is a little sore. 

Now on to a completely different topic. Who all out there uses social media for growing small businesses? I am sure there are a lot out there, but was just curious to see how many.  One of the challenges I have come across doing PR for a small business, is how to grow and expand their business.  Since, working there for a month now, I am getting them up to speed with social media and showing them options on which route to take.  But, I feel like there are so many more venues that I have not even considered.  If any PR professionals working for a small business has any advice, please post a comment to this post. I would like to hear from you all about the challenges you are all facing.  

Sorry if my blog is a little disjointed and all over the place, but that is just how my mind thinks. Ya gotta problem with it, you can leave!  lol jk.  

TTFN my friends!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Its Almost Christmas Time!

Why hello everyone!

This is going to be a short one.  As Christmas is quickly approaching us (only 3 days away...eek!), the stress level increases as well as the urge to drink copious amounts of alcohol to get through the the upcoming weekend. At least thats what I like to do! (jk), but in all seriousness, it seems that the holidays have become less fun as we get older.  It almost becomes a chore and an obligation, rather than a time of fun and excitement.  One of my fave holiday commercials is from QVC with a little boy talking to the camera saying how us grownups forget that xmas is a time of happiness and fun. And he goes on explaining to "never forget that." I completely agree! :) All of us need to remember that xmas is a fun and happy time where we can forget about our work issues and everyday mundane issues.  As long as we remember this, xmas will be a wonderful day! :)


Friday, December 18, 2009

An Intro to My Life! :)

Hello Everyone! :)

Thank you to everyone out there who is taking the time to read my blog. Hopefully, I won't bore you to tears too much!

Just a short intro about myself (try and hold back the excitement).

I'm Alexandra, Alex for short, and I am a recent grad of Villanova University and recent PR professional, who loves to travel, spend time with friends, workout, walk the dog (I have an 88 lb lovable greyhound whose quirks surpass any person I know!) and enjoying life as much as I can. As long as I am doing what I love everyday, I cannot complain.

Which brings me to the holidays! We tend(or at least I do) to get caught up in the little things and forget what the holidays are really about, which is GIVING. If each one of us remembers that, Christmas will be a much more enjoyable time for everyone. Not trying to sound too preachy or anything, but it is something that I have learned throughout my 23 yrs of living!

I have a great gift idea, which probably isn't all that unique, but its something that we don't always think about when we are buying gifts for family and friends. Because the holidays are all about giving and giving back, giving/donating to a charity in someone's name or even signing them up as a volunteer (with their consent obviously) is an absolutely awesome gift idea. Its not something that normally crosses all of our minds as we are frantically running around like a chicken with its head cut off to find that "perfect" gift. It makes us all take a step back and really think about what the holidays actually are about. Its not about the money, gifts. etc., its about giving back to the community and spending time with those you care about.

I have listed below five charities/organizations that are near and dear to my heart. (You don't have to give to these, these are just ones that are important to me)

1) Greyhound Adoption of Greater Rochester:

2) Southwest Indian Foundation:

3) National MS Society:

4) American Cancer Society:

5) Special Olympics New York:

So, if you need a good gift idea for someone this xmas, give to a favorite charity or local charity in the name of a family member or friend. It will be one of their most memorable xmas gifts this holiday season!

Also, you can follow me on twitter!

That's all for now! Merry Xmas!!! :)